Revolution Slider Error: Slider with alias none not found. Maybe you mean: 'the7-medical-hero' or 'dream-theme-the7-happy-people' or 'slider' or 'slider-en'
The Constitution of the Republic of Macedonia stipulates that the rights of employment in the Republic of Macedonia are regulated by law and by collective agreements.
The companies are obliged to provide healthy and safe working conditions as a prerequisite for fast, efficient and timely fulfillment of the work responsibilities of the employees.
OBLIGATION FOR PAYMENT of social contributions from compulsory social insurance is a natural person
Trade Union Offer
In addition to the basic commitment for protection and promotion of workers rights through the conclusion of collective agreements
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Правото на секој работник да се зачлени во синдикат е загарантирано со Уставот и со Законот за работни односи на Република Македонија.
Legal Help
According to its statutory and programme guidelines, the Trade Union of Public and State Administration of Macedonia ensures that its members receive free legal help and protection and free legal representation in violation of their labor rights.