The Executive Committee is the executive body of SADU.
Executive Committee adopts decisions and draft agenda for the convening of the Presidency. The Executive Committee consists of seven members: President, General Secretary and two Vice-presidents are official members of the Executive Board.
In case of equal votes decides vote of the President. The Executive Committee prepares all decisions made by the Presidency and the Council of SADU and realizes them.
In exceptional cases decisions of vital and essential meaning are adopted for the working of SADU which are verified by the Presidency on each subsequent meeting.
The Executive Committee has the following responsibilities:
- founds boards, committees and other working bodies;
- organizes trade union education and training for trade union representatives;
- conduct the election of delegates and members of the bodies of other associations;
- adopts laws governing the working of the bodies of SADU;
- adopts normative acts regulating issues of employment of employees in the Administrative Office of SADU;
- implements the decisions of the Council and the Presidency;
- performs and other activities in accordance with the Statute.